Public Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court records my complaint – Press note by Sara Cunial

Public Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court records my complaint – Press note by Sara Cunial

PRESS RELEASE by Sara Cunial

Rome, February 2st – “The Public Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal Court has officially recorded my complaint against Roberto Fico and the Italian authorities who did not allow me to have access to Parliament. I also added to this action the serious events that have been occurring in our country for two years and that are oppressing Italian citizens through restrictive and coercive measures, which are in contrast with European regulations and the national laws as well”, says the MP Sara Cunial, spokesperson democratically elected by Italians but excluded from the parliamentary chambers because she does not own a Green Pass.  

“As the recent norms have proved, and as it has now been widely scientifically documented and politically recognised in many countries, the Green Pass, which has no medical value, is in fact a tool used to certify the obedience, not the health, of a person – continues Cunial – and for this reason it cannot be considered a requirement that limits the right to vote of a Member of Parliament, especially during the election of the President of the Republic, the guarantor par excellence of the rule of law. With my exclusion, the entire part of the population that elected me and currently refuses, like myself, to use a pass to have their rights recognised, has been excluded. Nowadays in Italy there is a state of apartheid and constant discrimination,” she states. What I fear most, and what I have also denounced at international level, goes beyond the loss of rights of a minority, but also relates to the very serious violence and persecution of these citizens, including myself, by the Italian authorities and the forces of law and order”.  

“And now finally, someone will start to investigate the reported events by prosecuting those responsible – continues Cunial – The intervention of the International Public Prosecutor’s Office could lead to an investigation or even to the indictment of the authorities involved, since, according to international treaties, no one can consider themselves covered under parliamentary, governmental or diplomatic immunity – concludes Cunial – Considering the inertia of the Italian judiciary, which, over the last few months simply sat and watched the decisions of a liberticidal government, without lifting a finger, it is a duty to all those citizens who have been oppressed, humiliated and persecuted, to the Italian people and to our Democracy, to take action before the international courts to ensure that justice is finally delivered in Italy.

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